Working with consultants

In 2012, the Foundation began to work with consultants who support its operations and advise the Foundation’s beneficiaries. These people deal in their daily work with aspects that are consistent with the activities of the Foundation. They are:


autism specialist

social welfare center employee,


sensory integration therapy specialist,

legal counsel.

Physiotherapist helps in choosing the best therapist for the Foundation’s pupils and indicates the optimal type of the rehabilitation.

Autism specialist helps parents with autistic children in choosing the best type of therapy, indicates a place where this therapy should be organized, and advise on the type of aid that they can be obtained from the state.

Welfare center employee indicates to the Foundation's pupils a possible help from the scope of the social assistance available from the state and suggests how they can obtain it.

Neurologist checks the documentation of these children, in whom is conducted speech therapy, evaluates the effectiveness of implemented treatment, gives advice to parents, as well as helps in the selection of therapists in the field of speech therapy for new beneficiaries of the Foundation.

Sensory Integration therapy specialist works with parents of sick children, examines individual cases, then selects the best SI exercises for a given patient and teaches parents how they can conduct these exercises at home, complementing the proper treatment.

Legal counsel provides legal advice to our beneficiaries. Substantive professional help of specialists highly supports our activity.


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