
- Seniors and Culture

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- Seniors going Out

"My Nina" in the Syrena Theatre

On 03/07/2014, a group of Seniors, at the invitation of the Syrena Theatre, went to see the show "My Nina". Monica Mariotti's monodrama is the story of Nina Simone's biography: singer, pianist, blacks revolutionist. The show takes on tolerance, political engagement and ultimately finding of their own identity. A major advantage of the performance is live African and jazz music. Translated by Katarzyna Groniec lyrics of Nina Simone songs make up a story about the artist's life full of tension. After the show, some of the seniors bought a CD with Nina Simon's songs interpreted by Michael Lamża and Monica Mariotti.

Cruise on the Vistula river

On 26 th of July 2013, the Foundation held Seniors cruise on the Vistula river. About 11:00 am we sailed from Czerniakowski Promontory toward the Gruba Kaska – the recognition and treatment of water. Next we sailed under bridges: the Lazinkowski, the Poniatowski, the Świętokrzyski and the Slasko-Dabrowski. During the cruise the guide talked to us about structures and buildings located near the river. It turned out that the street Kłopotowskiego and Bednarska already linked to a non-existent bridge named Lyzwiarski. The guide pointed out the the largest and most beautiful roof gardens in Europe: the garden on the roof of Warsaw University Library.

The meeting recollection

The 20th of March 2013 the Foundation organised for Seniors a meeting with priest Antoni and his wards of the the Holy Cross parish in Łapy. It concerned "Wealth and beauty of Christian spirituality." Priest talked about the Trinity Icons by Andrei Rublev, spirituality and forgiveness and reconciliation. Girls: Marlena, Marta, Beata and Roża enriched the consideration by their singing to the accompaniment of a guitar and gave witness to their faith. Together with the girls Seniors sang the song "Barka", which caused a lot of emotions. Our meeting has been sweetened by the cake prepared by the Klub Lekarza and regional Sękacz cake from Łapy.

Workshop of the Association "MBU"

On 13th of July 2012, a group of 20 Seniors took part in a workshop organized by the "Mali Bracia Ubogich" (the Little Brothers of the Poor). The project aimed at increasing the involvement of active seniors in the civil matters. It assumed involvement of well-performing people to work for their peers who are primarily alone (staying home, living in isolation, usually in need of the broader aid: psychological support, medical intervention, financial assistance, support environment) through their voluntary activities.

The meeting proved to be very successful, because the project reported a 9 invited Seniors. Seniors had the opportunity to know the activities of the Association and take an active part in the analysis of the issue.

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